Taking Bookings Now!

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Taking bookings for private consultations. I have 3 appointments left for next week – Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Skin conditions, food intolerance, autoimmune, hormone balance, arthritis, lifestyle change etc. Feel free to message me for a chat first or see www.tonichealacademy.com if you feel one of my outrageously awesome ecourses are for you 😉

Breaking News: I’m not Perfect *gasp!* haha x

We’ve all got strengths and weaknesses when it comes to our diet. It can be really easy to beat yourself up about how you’ve over indulged or had too much sugar in your tea or cracked and ate 3 extra biscuits. My weaknesses are definitely crisps on occasion and some days having one too many decafs. Sometimes I even go out with my friends and drink too much and flare up my Gilbert syndrome for the next 2 weeks 

But screw all of that. Did I enjoy the extra coffee? Yup. Did I totally love my weekend bag of salt and vinegar Tyrells? You freaking know it! Did I have an awesome night out? Of course! Good then! Move on!

Let’s focus on the good instead:
Most of the time I eat a fully raw diet
Most of the time I drink enough water
Most of the time I remember to take the supplements for my Gilberts syndrome

So, my point is don’t focus on what you perceive to be the bad parts of your diet. Look at the good! I bet it’s better than you think.

What are the best bits about your diet?

Cheeky Monkey Breakfast Stealer


Trying to have breakfast with these two veg monsters around is pretty impossible!

When it comes to kids and smoothies do yourself a favour and get a really decent blender or bullet. At least 800W.

Most kids hate bits – it’s just a kid thing so make it easy on them and offer up a smooth smoothie. Riley (pictured) will drink muddiest, greenest, bittiest, thickest concoction I could give him. But his brother Charlie – no way. If it’s not straight up chocolate, banana or strawberry he won’t drink it. But he will eat all his veg so I’m good with it.

If you’re just changing your eating habits don’t expect overnight results from your kids. It takes time, consistency and for you to lead by example. TRUST ME. I have a lot of mommas in my groups and slowly but surely they report big achievements from their kids. Don’t give up!

Any of my amazing mommas want to share their stories please feel free!

Raw Brekkie Jar with Berries and Coconut

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Fact: if you eat stuff out of jars it’s just better. Honest!

Seriously though it’s also a great way of broadening your nutritional range. Each food has different levels and types of antioxidants which will all help processes in your body in different ways.

I’m not saying eat a different meal every day of the week, just don’t get in a rut with your ingredients.

Instead of having a lettuce salad, choose spinach, greens and fresh herbs instead. Or instead of a bowl of porridge, top it with nuts, seeds and berries. Having a meal with potato wedges? Why not throw in roast parsnip, sprouts and sweet potato too. Green smoothie? Mix up those greens! Spinach, kale and romaine will all offer you different types of crazy awesome goodness.

Bigger plant based nutritional range = higher standard of health.

Paprika and Sundried Tomato Spuds

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Guess what, sometimes I don’t make every single thing we eat from scratch *gasp!!!* I know right?! But I’m a mum, I work and sometimes can’t be bothered. Just like many of you I imagine! To be honest I use herbs and spices for flavour most of the time which is actually easier than screwing the top off a jar, but hey – on some occasions I do it.

There is a lot of crap in our supermarkets but there are also some ok emergency items if you look hard enough.

So, for the rare days I don’t make a dressing from scratch I use a bought version I’m happy with. It’s not perfect, there’s a little vegetable oil and a small amount of added sugar. But this is why I use pastes in an emergency instead of sauces – with pastes you need such a small amount that now and again I can justify it!

Sundried tomato and paprika potatoes – white ones and sweet ones! Served with plenty of greens and garlicky rice noodles. Gobbled up by 2 hungry boys and a hubby!

Operation Sparkle – my new free ebook

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Aw I made you all a free ebook! Operation Sparkle. This is for you guys who aren’t suffering from a skin condition but want to eat your way to glowing, healthy looking skin and get rid of pimples, blotches and breakouts. See below for a sneaky peek!

It’ll be up tomorrow in my gorgeous Revolutionaries group – the amazing Tonic community hub so get on over. Or, if you’re on the newsletter you’ll get it straight to your inbox. Get on the newsletter here http://eepurl.com/ba9eLP

Revolutionaries group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tonicrevolutionaries/

“Vitamin A, otherwise known as retinol, is up at the top of the list of go-to vitamins for skin. Your skin cells regenerate every 28 days and this mighty vit promotes that skin cell turnover as well as helping to create healthy new ones. If you are prone to oily skin or spots, vitamin A will keep oil production healthy by inhibiting sebaceous gland activity. Some mucous production in the skin is perfectly natural and vital for keeping the layers healthy. People deficient in vitamin A will often have dry, rough skin and possibly rough raised bumps on the backs of the arms. This is called hyperkeratosis pillaris. It can commonly be a sign of food intolerance but also as a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Choose red, orange and purple foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets and berries. Dark leafy greens, lettuce and dried apricots are also great sources. I feel a smoothie coming on…”.

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course GOES LIVE! Enrol Here

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course just went LIVE! Get yours at the discounted price – just £35 until Friday!

If you’re on the Tonic newsletter, check your inbox!

It looks totally awesome! If you’re suffering from a skin condition – psoriasis, eczema, hives or dermatitis then check it out. This course has ben massively successful is treating many types of skin complaint. You could be well on your ay to recovery in a matter of weeks.

If this isn’t the course for you, any shares, reblogs and support would be very much appreciated. Much love, healing and sparkles xx

Enrol Here Button


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In celebration of S.O.S Save our Skin launching tomorrow I have a flash sale on ALL courses on the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy website. IBS & Food Intolerance – Days to Freedom and Sugar it’s not me…it’s you! AND the new Save our Skin course only £35 until Friday. Get ’em quick!

I received an amazing testimonial from one of my gorgeous clients a few days ago so I thought I’d post it today. You’ll love it, her little boy – only 4 years old – went through the treatment as he was constantly covered in sore, itchy hives, poor little mite. Interestingly one of her other sons went through the course to support his little brother and his persistent blocked nose and sinus problems cleared up too!

Months of hives daily is what my four year old son has put up with! I tried all sorts and was at my wits end! I found Lynsey through Facebook and we have never looked back! We were lucky and it seems to be only a couple of things that actually break him out and we found it quite quickly, I guess for some it might take longer. He was a really picky eater as he also had digestive problems but now his appetite is enormous! And no hives! He’s even trying some new foods which he never does.

Lynsey knows her stuff, she is a very clever woman and passionate about what she does, she took us through an elimination diet which was tough but it’s not for ever, if you want to get sorted she can really help and WANTS to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her and will definitely be following her Facebook page and turning to her for advice in the future.

P.s we have been having green smoothies in the morning! Wow! Sets you up for the day!”

So there you have it. A really simple and effective treatment safe for the whole family xx

Zoodle salad 3 ways

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Oodles of Zoodles – raw salad 3 ways.

I love love love raw food. I do get a buzz off it. If you’ll indulge me and allow me to go “full hippy” for a sec, you can really feel the life force glowing off it and nourishing every cell in your body. Ok, hippy time over.

Ok so for the uninitiated, zoodles are zucchini noodles – basically courgette put through a spiralizer. You can put any hard fruit or veg through – carrots, cucumber, sweet potato, apples…anything you fancy making noodles out of or just for presenting your food in a different way. But if you love raw food and have a hankering for noodles – get zoodling.

Salad number 1 is pretty basic – zoodles, cherry tomatoes and walnuts in sea salt, lime juice and garlic powder. Topped with fresh chilli.

Second is that salad but topped with coconut curry sauce. Basically made with coconut milk, coconut curry spices, garlic and ginger.

Third is topped with wakame, which is seaweed. The health benefits of seaweed are massive. I’ve been eating a lot more of it lately to try to keep my Gilbert Syndrome in check. I’ll be posting about the health benefits of seaweed tomorrow so stay tuned.

Gluten Free Doughnuts….shimmy!

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#‎vegan‬ ‪#‎glutenfree‬ doughnuts. Great for those on a dairy free diet – either because of intolerance, health reasons or lifestyle choice. Ooooh. Yyeesss. It’s the weekend! Usually the time when our good healthful intentions go out of the window. I’m not saying don’t indulge, by all means enjoy a little naughtiness now and again. But just because it’s the weekend doesn’t mean you have to. Why not try a healthy alternative instead. Nope, i haven’t come up with a healthy sprinkles recipe, found these at the back of the cupboard – the kids thought it was Christmas haha xx


3 cups gluten free flour
2 tsp baking powder
Pinch salt
1 good tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp dairyfree spread
2 good tsp mixed spice
2 tsp vanilla paste
2 tbsp coconut palm sugar
2 cups almond milk (or any plant based milk)

Mix all the dry ingredients together well. Add the wet ingredients, adding more water until you have a thick batter.

Spoon into a doughnut tray and bake at 200 for 17 minutes or until risen and golden.

Chocolate glaze:

5 tbsp coconut oil (solid)
2 tbsp raw cacao
2 tbsp agave or maple syrup or similar
Melt everything together in a pan. Transfer to a cold bowl and allow to cool and thicken.

hold your doughnut over the bowl and spoon over the mixture.

Transfer to the fridge. If your glaze was too thin when you coated your doughnuts you can always double glaze. I sprinkled over some extra coconut sugar too.

If you don’t have a doughnut tin you could make them into whole ones and just bake on a tray – you could even put some smooshed up berries inside for jam.

Oh and thank you Angela Milne for inspiring me to get a doughnut tin. Good call!