Beat Sugar Enrolment Details! EEEEEEK!

The test group for Beat Sugar was a great success. It will be launching to the public on 14th March! Enrolment will be limited to 15 people only. If you have already subscribed the no obligation Beat Sugar newsletter you will soon be receiving information on how to enrol. If not, sign up here, details soon to follow! I’ll be offering big discounts for pre-enrolment to the course.

Sugar Course Cover

Creamy Cheesy…without the cream and cheese…


Creamy cheesy corn pasta minus the cream and the cheese. I’ve featured this before but I made it again tonight so though it was worth a recap!

So this is gluten free, dairy free and practically fat free. It’s also anti inflammatory too which is key to good health.

3 cups cauliflower, boiled
Drain and transfer to a food processor.
Add 1 cup oat milk
4 good tbsp nutritional yeast
1 teaspoon rock or sea salt
3 teaspoons English mustard
Optional: 3 teaspoons tomato powder
Blend until smooth.

Stir through your pasta and additional veggies.

Cauliflower is often overlooked when it comes to nutrition, but it’s got a lot to offer!

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane which has been found to significantly improve blood pressure and kidney function.

Its anti inflammatory. Inflammation related diseases include cancer, autoimmune and arthritis. Keeping inflammation low is paramount to maintaining good health and reducing your chance of disease.

Cauliflower is rich in vitamins. One serving of cauliflower contains 77 percent of the recommended daily value of vitamin C. You’ll also load up on vitamin K, protein, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber, vitamin B6, folate, pantothenic acid, potassium and manganese.

Cauliflower is high in choline, which is a B vitamin known for its role in brain development. In studies, choline intake during pregnancy improved the brain activity of animals in utero, indicating that it may boost cognitive function, and improve learning and memory. It is possible that it may also help reduce age-related memory loss too.

Nutritional yeast is a great source of B12 so if you eat an meat and dairy free diet, this is a great way of getting it. Nutritional yeast tastes and smells like parmesan, so it’s tasty too!

Emotional effects of food intolerance on children. Client case study.

Food sensitivities in children are very common. They can present themselves in the physical sense which might be diarrhoea, constipation, frequent colds, ear and throat infection, constant runny nose or cough and abdominal pain. But they can also present themselves in emotional and mental ways too – in fact this is more common than the “classic” food intolerance signs.

As a culture we eat a lot of processed foods and factory farmed foods and “drinks” without realising the effects it has on your mental wellbeing. Doctors like to suggest kids grow out of these things. I don’t agree. Their bodies just learn to cope and so surpress the symptoms. Later in life they can reemerge as different illnesses. This is called The Stages of Adaption.

Here is a case study kindly written for me by a client about her daughter and the issues she had been facing. I can’t even begin to explain how common this is and how relieved I am that Jessica feels better.

“I thought jessica was a typical 5-6 year old with tantrums, crying, aggression and lack of concentration when I came across a case study on Tonic Nutrition website about the link between dairy & gluten and children’s behaviour. I spoke to Lynsey about it and we discussed a plan to take jessica dairy & gluten free. To be honest I was sceptical and my hubby was even more so! But we went a long anyway. I would say it’s took between 2-3 weeks until I started to notice that she seemed a lot calmer, less stroppy and even sleeping better at night.

Still a little sceptical we carried on until it came to Christmas were we let her have a bit of diary and gluten here and there and the difference was immense! Wow….it was like her evil twin came to stay!!
She also started crying at night and complaining of a sore and itchy foof (our name for the downstairs area).

As I said before my hubby isn’t a huge believer so I tried to imply that it maybe due to her being out of her routine (Christmas holidays) and we decided to continue to give her small amounts of dairy & gluten whilst she got back to school and into her routine to see if this settled or not. Guess what…. They didn’t!!

We immediately took her off it (after a huge explosive tantrum) and within 1 week things slowly started improving. After two weeks things were definitely improving. She also stopped complaint about her foof too. I didn’t even understand what it was exactly I thought it was her not wiping correctly. It wasn’t until I spoke to Lynsey that I realise it was a yeast infection she was getting.

We are now into week 4 and things are looking good. Don’t get me wrong she is 6 years old so she isn’t perfect and will still have tantrums but they are much more manageable now”.

Feedback Tastic! Amazing results.

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Coming Soon! Amazing feedback from the Beat Sugar test group. Sign up to the no obligation Beat Sugar newsletter for launch news!

“I really enjoyed the course. I found my cravings had pretty much gone by the end of the first week, which was brilliant! I honestly didn’t think it would be possible.”

“I loved the modules. Very easy to read and understand, also very informative. Definitely handy info to go back for reminders.”

“I think I can happily say I’m craving free. It’s not easy giving up life long habits, such as sugary treats and drinks. But with the right foods, and your help and advice, it’s totally possible. Your knowledge of foods, and how they affect us inside and out, still amazes me! Thank you”

“After this 2 week course I feel more in control of what I’m putting in my mouth, I feel fit and strong and have returned to working out and I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself of anything”

“I loved this course so much and Lynsey is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! After two weeks, I no longer have intense sugar cravings or the sugar highs and lows I used to get. I have better energy now and feel 100% healthier.”

3 Sexy Treats for you Gorgeous Health Lovers

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Happy (early) Valentines day my gorgeous lovers! I thought I’d post this in advance in case you wanted to make these sexy treats for a loved one, or just for yourself. 3 fabulous healthy recipes so you can continue to be in love with your health x

Since it’s valentines, feel free to show me love and share this post xx

1. Raspberry Bakewell Slice:

In a hot pan melt 2 good tbsp coconut oil with 2 teaspoons maple syrup and 1 teaspoon vanilla paste (or essence).
Add 2 cups of oats and mix well to combine.
Transfer to a lined tray and press down firmly. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. KEEP A COUPLE OF TBSP OF THE MIX ASIDE.
Meanwhile defrost 1 cup raspberries (or use fresh).
Mash with a fork adding 1 teaspoon almond essence and the rest of the oat mix. Stir to loosely combine.
Turn out your oat base and top with the raspberry mix. I sprinkled over some crushed pistachios for extra crunch.

2. Chocolate Mousse Parfait with Soy Yogurt, Hazelnut Butter Crunch Granola and Black Forest Raw Jam.

Chocolate mousse: blend 1 ripe avocado with 3 soaked dates (soak in water for an hour, then drain), 1 teaspoon vanilla paste and 1 tbsp organic dark chocolate powder like Bournville or Green and Black’s. You could use raw cacao instead. Blend well. Layer at the bottom of your jar or glass. (avocado mousse needs making and eating fairly quickly)

Top with organic soy yogurt

Hazelnut crunch granola: In a hot pan melt 2 good tbsp coconut oil, 1 tbsp crunchy hazelnut butter (or use peanut butter) and a squirt of maple syrup. Add 2 cups oats and stir to combine. Spread on a baking sheet and bake at 190 for around 15 minutes, or until golden an crunchy. Layer on top of the yogurt.

Black forest jam: Defrost a few tablespoons of black forest fruits, add 2 teaspoons raw cacao or organic dark chocolate powder and 1/2 teaspoon vanilla paste. Mash roughly with a fork. Top your parfait with this gorgeous raw jam.

3. One from the archives! Tonic Sunday Sweethearts:

Melt some organic dark chocolate (no added sugar or dairy and full of antioxidants). You could also make raw chocolate by melting 5 tbsp coconut oil and 1 tablespoon agave or maple syrup and stirring in raw cacao until its the consistency or melted chocolate.
Pour into some shaped flexi moulds
Add a little coconut cream and blended raspberries
Freeze for 30 mins then keep in the fridge

Ta dahhhh xx

5 Days of Raw is BACK!

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5 Days of Raw is BACK! Just £10 to Join. This group will commence again on the 21st of Feb 2015. Want to add more raw food to your diet or explore a raw vegan lifestyle? This is a great place to start! The group contains an exclusive 5 day menu designed by me, plus the opportunity to make new friends and discuss how you’re getting on!

Get on over to the Tonic Nutrition Facebook page and get involved!

Make payment here with a note of your full name:

Join here:

See you on the other side!

Histamine Attack

I get many people contacting me to solve symptoms that can seem like a mystery. Stuffy nose, post nasal drip, skin itching, runny, irritated or puffy eyes and persistent itchy cough or wheezing. Other symptoms can include diarrhoea, vomiting, headaches, and abdominal pain.

I often see cases of eczema misdiagnosed by doctors too…the culprit? Histamine intolerance.

Foods naturally contain a chemical called histamine. Similarly, the body releases histamine, along with other chemicals, when it is faced with an allergic reaction.

Different foods contain different levels of histamine and usually wouldn’t cause a problem for most people because of a clever little enzyme called diamine oxidase. Diamine oxidase breaks down the histamine in foods which contain it. Some people, however, have a low level of this enzyme so can’t break down the histamine leading to an allergic reaction being triggered.

High histamine foods include:

Champagne, wine, beer and cider
Pickled foods
Processed meats like sausage, ham, chorizo and salami
Tinned vegetables
Yeast extract
Tinned and smoked fish

Other types of foods, even though they are low in histamine contain enzymes which stimulate your body into releasing it. These include:

Egg white

This is not an exhaustive list, there are many other foods which can be histamine liberators, as I’ve just described, or foods that have high histamine content themselves. Histamine intolerance can take time and is a little more difficult to get to the bottom of than other health issues, but with good management we can have you right as rain.

If you’re suffering from health condition you’re finding it hard to get to the bottom of, get in touch for a chat. A dietary approach could help!

Matcha Boom


Green smoothie with Matcha Green Tea powder post work out . Another little addition to perk up an already awesome smoothie. I could use something like spirulina…..but honestly it tastes like shiz (come on, you’re all thinking it!). Matcha extract on the other hand is very mild in flavour and tastes like, well, green tea.

Matcha is the highest quality Japanese powdered green tea available. It’s made from young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant and has been consumed for thousands of years in the Far East.

It’s considered to be one of the most powerful super foods on the market today and contains organic compounds called catechins which are some of the most potent antioxidants out there. They are known for their cancer fighting properties. Scientists have found that Matcha Green Tea contains over 100 times more specific antioxidants than any other green tea.

If you want a little zen in your life, Matcha Green Tea has been used by Chinese Daoists and Japanese Zen Buddhist monks for relaxation and meditation.

Matcha is capable of naturally removing heavy metals and chemical toxins from the body due to its high chlorophyll content. It also has antibiotic properties which support ypur general health and immunity.

There are other nutrients to enjoy with Matcha Matcha tea too: Potassium, calcium, iron, vitamin A, vitamin C and protein.

Mr Tonic is well into his Matcha tea. We order our goodies from wholefoods suppliers on Amazon mostly. But I’m sure you’d be able to get it in a health food shop.

Daily Jam Rant


One from the archives! Banana flax smoothie bowl with raw blackberry jam.

Those of you who have been around for a while will be aware of my feeling towards jam. Oh yeah. I hate the stuff – store bought that is. Pointless? Harmful? Sacrilege!

1. Cook berries until they are a mushy pot of ZERO nutritional value. All vitamins and antioxidants dead.
2. Add a shiz load of processed sugar….One of the most harmful substances in our diets today.

Inflammatory illness like arthritis, autoimmune, heart disease and emotional disturbance like anxiety, depression, low concentration, low mood, poor concentration, irritability, hyperactivity, cell damage, nerve damage…I could go on.

1 tablespoon of jam has over 12g of added sugar! That’s half of your RDA added sugar. There are no words.

Processed stripped out sugar is VOLATILE and harmful. In general we need HEALING.

Raw jam: full of healing properties, high vitamin content, natural sugars for slow release, natural energy and tonnes of antioxidants to HEAL and PROTECT.

Use fresh or defrosted berries, mash lightly with a fork. That’s it. You could add a pinch of full leaf Stevia or a drop or two of coconut blossom nectar (in a squeezy bottle available in health food shops). You could also add a teaspoon, maybe less, of maple syrup. You’re looking at less than a gram of added sugar per serving – that’s if you even use any.

Daily jam rant…done.