Vegan Chocolate Pistachio Brownie Batter “IceCream” || Dairy-Free, Gluten-Free, Refined Sugar-Free, Egg-Free, Vegan)

Love this girl x

Live Kind. Eat Kind.

I love throwing healthy delicious vegan ingredients in my blender and somehow coming up with something that tastes even better than the rich sugar-filled desserts I grew up eating. I named this chocolate pistachio “brownie batter” ice cream because it literally tastes like cold, thick, creamy brownie batter! I also believe chocolate and pistachios belong together whenever possible. There is a delightful dance of flavor combinations in this “dessert”, which is actually healthy and nutritious enough to be eaten for breakfast!


4 frozen RIPE bananas
1 1/2 tbsp raw cacao or unsweetened cocoa powder (whichever you prefer)
1 handful of raw pistachios
2-3 squirts of vanilla creme liquid stevia (optional, but soooo good)
Small splash of cold strong brewed coffee
Additional crushed pistachios for topping

Blend your ingredients, and too with crushed pistachios. Way too easy!


Don’t ever feel like you have to give up delicious foods to…

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Tonic Revolutionaries…You’re Going to Want to See This…

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Its Wednesday which means hump day! Officially the middle of the week. If you offer an alternative therapy or product why not shout yourself out over on the Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries Facebook group? Go on, give yourself a holla!

Diet is only one part of a healthy lifestyle. Do you offer healing, massage, crystals, angels, alternative products or education?

If not still get yourself over to the group. It’s an awesome little community of revolutionaries hungry to get savvy about nutrition, share knowledge and learn from each other. The group needs you if you’re living the good life and want to contribute!

My approach to nutrition is naturopathic so I will always be on hand to help and answer any questions you have! If you’d like to become a client, see my website and get in touch.

Become a Green Smoothie Ninja. Free e-book now available!


Ebook Cover

I’ve finally done it! My very first e-book for you to enjoy! How to Become a Green Smoothie Ninja.

I hope you like it. It’s going to be one of many free publications to assist you on your nutrition journey. Enjoy!

Here’e the ibooks link:

If you can’t access ibooks here’s the PDF version for you.

Green Smoothie Ebook

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“Asthma Drug for Children Causes Serious Adverse Reactions”

Who on earth is in charge of these things? It’s like Carry on Doctor in these test labs, I’m certain of it. As always, more scary and concerning news about your health in the hands of the medical profession.

A lot of asthma, especially in children, is diet related and can be solved, managed or lessened by making certain changes – eliminating mucous forming foods like dairy and gluten, for example. Simple but highly effective. Reducing the need to medicate children by a vast amount!

Now, for the unfortunate children who have environmental asthma or allergies, and DO require these drugs, this is terrifying. Truly.


“Asthma drugs for children are more dangerous than regulators had believed—because the safety trials had been carried out on young healthy adults.  Almost all the adverse reactions seen in children are ‘serious’, say researchers.

The real risks of the drugs when used by children came to light only when reports were added to the new safety tracking system, EudraVigilance, set up by the European Medicines Agency.

In total, 774 ADRs (adverse drug reactions) relating to asthma drugs have been reported to the system, and 85 per cent of them are considered to be ‘serious’.

Almost none of the reactions had been recorded during the drugs’ safety trials, but as researchers from the University of Copenhagen point out, these had involved healthy young adults.

It’s been a different story when the drugs have been taken by babies and small children.  Common ADRs have included breathlessness and coughing.

Safety trials had recorded ‘non-serious’ ADRs, although the Copenhagen researchers discovered that subjects who had suffered more serious effects had suddenly dropped out of the trials, and so their reactions had never been recorded.

(Source: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2014; doi: 10.1007/s11096-014-0020-0)”

Mostly Raw….But not Today!


Today was definitely a slow cooker day! I do like a mainly raw diet but how could I resist all of this beautiful food slowly simmering away filling the house with wafts of deliciousness……?
The great thing with slow cooking is you can just chuck everything in…..veggies, herbs, starches and a few grains too.

I went for rosemary, thyme, garlic, red lentils, paprika, turmeric, brown rice, carrots, parsnips and potatoes. I used just water and a couple of vegetable stock cubes as my liquid. Red lentils go nice and soupy when cooked so this will thicken it up.

I also made a Mediterranean sun dried tomato gluten free loaf to go with it but you could use corn cakes as dippers instead if you didn’t want to use bread. Bread isn’t something I’d generally eat, but now and again won’t hurt will it

Dragon Fruit – A blast of the tropical on a cold day!

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Topical dragon fruit, pineapple and tangerine smoothie to brighten this COLD day! I love dragon fruit. I think it’s one of my favourites. It’s highly nutritious as well as being just beautiful looking! It’s like a sweet, smooth kiwi (kinda) and the flesh comes in white, pink and purple. The pink and purple flesh has a higher vitamin A (beta carotene) content. Great for healthy cell regeneration, especially the skin 

Dragon fruit has a high amount of vitamin C. Because the dragon fruit is a natural, whole food it also provides you with a rich balance of nutrients to go along with that. This means you absorb the Vitamin C in dragon fruit efficiently.

This fruit is a natural source of anti-oxidants which help to prevent the dangers of free radicals which can cause chronic illness, tissue damage, cancers and other undesirable health detriments.The number, quantity, and variety of antioxidants in real foods like dragon fruit is completely unmatched by any food supplement or pills – even those claiming to have ‘antioxidant’ health benefits. Nothing compares to the rich array of nutrients and antioxidants in natural whole foods.

Dragon fruit does have a small amount of gorgeous essential fats because there are so many seeds in the edible part of the fruit. There can be literally thousands of the small black edible seeds in any dragon fruit. Seeds, like nuts, are a rich source of omega fatty acids and proteins. Fruit really is a pretty perfect food source.

Seasonal Eating Never gets Boring!

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Seasonal eating is so much fun. Summer is awesome because there’s an abundance of stone fruit like plums, peaches and nectarines. It’s sad when it’s over.
But then comes autumn with tonnes of apples and pears! Love those. But they don’t last long – local tree grown ones I mean.

Now winters nearly here there’s tangerines everywhere! Tangy fruits go great in green smoothies.

Every season’s a winner!

“Dairy and Eggs are Allergens??” Say Doctors

The American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology recently held their annual scientific meeting. We all know that dairy and eggs are up there as two of the most common allergens going right?

Guess who doesn’t? Our doctors. No surprise there then.

Just 27 per cent of pediatricians correctly identified the these foods as the most common allergens; instead, 34 per cent reckoned strawberries were one of the most common. Strawberries actually only affects one per cent of the population.
Food colourants are another very common allergen, but just 13% of paediatricians identified this.

“People with allergies, or who care for children who do, need to keep up-to-date with the latest information about treatments, but doctors don’t seem to be the best place to go” says allergist Kara Wada, who surveyed 409 doctors in the US. REALLY? No way….

Sorry, I’m being overly sarcastic but in all seriousness this information is a welcome breakthrough.

Some people just aren’t willing to believe anything other than what their doctor tells them, even faced with masses of evidence to the contrary (cognitive dissonance). This unfortunately can impede a person’s opportunity to get help and healing. Which is sad, but I understand completely that people still trust in the system, no matter how flawed. I’m NOT saying go against your doctor, I’m just saying be open to the fact that there is another way.

Hopefully this will bring yet another phase of awakening and open mindedness when thinking about alternative treatments. Or, as I see it, the original treatments.

Just as an interesting end note, the majority of doctors quizzed also confused iodine contrast agent, used for CT scans, with iodine in shellfish…. I’m sorry but, they should really know that..right?

(Source: Proceedings of the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology annual scientific meeting, November 7, 2014).

Become a Green Smoothie Ninja. Free e-book now available!

Ebook Cover

I’ve finally done it! My very first e-book for you to enjoy! How to Become a Green Smoothie Ninja.

I hope you like it. It’s going to be one of many free publications to assist you on your nutrition journey. Enjoy!

Here’e the ibooks link:

If you can’t access ibooks here’s the PDF version for you.

Green Smoothie Ebook

Ask Tonic – “what are vitamins?”

I was asked recently what vitamins are and where they come from. Fair question, so here goes…hope this makes sense:
“Vitamins are organic compounds which are needed in small quantities to sustain life. We get vitamins from food, because the human body either does not produce enough of them, or none at all.”

Vitamins are organic compounds, which means they contain carbon. Sometimes a compound is vital for one animal but not another – or example vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a vitamin designed for the human body but not for dogs. This is because dogs, and other animals, can synthesise their own vitamin C. Humans cannot.

So, vitamins are tiny organic compounds found in food stuffs designed to give the body what it cannot produce itself. The human body requires very small amounts of these compounds – a mixed bowl of peppers, broccoli and tomatoes will get you over 400% of your vitamin A and C requirement.

Currently, there are 13 recognised vitamins.

There are 2 types of vitamin: Fat soluble and water soluble.

Fat-soluble vitamins are stored in the fat tissues of our bodies, as well as the liver. They are easier to store than water-soluble ones, and can stay in the body as reserves for days, some of them for months.

Fat-soluble vitamins are absorbed through the intestinal tract with the help of fats (lipids).

Water-soluble vitamins do not get stored in the body for long – any excess is expelled through the urine. Water soluble vitamins need to replenished daily – more often than fat soluble ones.

Vitamins A, D, E and K are fat-soluble.

Vitamins C and all the B vitamins are water-soluble

Hope that helps!