Operation Sparkle – my new free ebook

Skin ebook cover

Aw I made you all a free ebook! Operation Sparkle. This is for you guys who aren’t suffering from a skin condition but want to eat your way to glowing, healthy looking skin and get rid of pimples, blotches and breakouts. See below for a sneaky peek!

It’ll be up tomorrow in my gorgeous Revolutionaries group – the amazing Tonic community hub so get on over. Or, if you’re on the newsletter you’ll get it straight to your inbox. Get on the newsletter here http://eepurl.com/ba9eLP

Revolutionaries group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/tonicrevolutionaries/

“Vitamin A, otherwise known as retinol, is up at the top of the list of go-to vitamins for skin. Your skin cells regenerate every 28 days and this mighty vit promotes that skin cell turnover as well as helping to create healthy new ones. If you are prone to oily skin or spots, vitamin A will keep oil production healthy by inhibiting sebaceous gland activity. Some mucous production in the skin is perfectly natural and vital for keeping the layers healthy. People deficient in vitamin A will often have dry, rough skin and possibly rough raised bumps on the backs of the arms. This is called hyperkeratosis pillaris. It can commonly be a sign of food intolerance but also as a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Choose red, orange and purple foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets and berries. Dark leafy greens, lettuce and dried apricots are also great sources. I feel a smoothie coming on…”.

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course GOES LIVE! Enrol Here

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course just went LIVE! Get yours at the discounted price – just £35 until Friday!

If you’re on the Tonic newsletter, check your inbox!

It looks totally awesome! If you’re suffering from a skin condition – psoriasis, eczema, hives or dermatitis then check it out. This course has ben massively successful is treating many types of skin complaint. You could be well on your ay to recovery in a matter of weeks.

If this isn’t the course for you, any shares, reblogs and support would be very much appreciated. Much love, healing and sparkles xx

Enrol Here Button


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In celebration of S.O.S Save our Skin launching tomorrow I have a flash sale on ALL courses on the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy website. IBS & Food Intolerance – Days to Freedom and Sugar it’s not me…it’s you! AND the new Save our Skin course only £35 until Friday. Get ’em quick!

I received an amazing testimonial from one of my gorgeous clients a few days ago so I thought I’d post it today. You’ll love it, her little boy – only 4 years old – went through the treatment as he was constantly covered in sore, itchy hives, poor little mite. Interestingly one of her other sons went through the course to support his little brother and his persistent blocked nose and sinus problems cleared up too!

Months of hives daily is what my four year old son has put up with! I tried all sorts and was at my wits end! I found Lynsey through Facebook and we have never looked back! We were lucky and it seems to be only a couple of things that actually break him out and we found it quite quickly, I guess for some it might take longer. He was a really picky eater as he also had digestive problems but now his appetite is enormous! And no hives! He’s even trying some new foods which he never does.

Lynsey knows her stuff, she is a very clever woman and passionate about what she does, she took us through an elimination diet which was tough but it’s not for ever, if you want to get sorted she can really help and WANTS to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her and will definitely be following her Facebook page and turning to her for advice in the future.

P.s we have been having green smoothies in the morning! Wow! Sets you up for the day!”

So there you have it. A really simple and effective treatment safe for the whole family xx

Lettuce rejoice…


We talk a lot about green smoothies and their benefits and using dark greens like spinach, kale and spring greens. But, have you considered using lettuce in your smoothies?
“Boring, not many nutrients in lettuce right?” Actually they a crazy nutritious! Not the limp leaved watery veg you might think they are. A really great starter green too as they blend away to nothing, so if you aren’t keen on the fibery bits (you’ll love them once you’re a connoisseur) this is a good option.

Just 100 g of fresh, raw-lettuce provides 247% of daily vitamin A. As a guide, a small baby gem (still in the same family as Romaine) might be around 120g. I tend to use a full sized Romaine which is about 250g.

Vitamin A is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin which protects against viruses, and is also essential for vision. The flavonoids in lettuce and other veg and fruit will help to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Bring on the K vits! Romaine is bursting with them. Vitamin K is thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity inside the bone cells. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Folates and vitamin C: Folates required for DNA synthesis and therefore, play a vital role in prevention of the neural tube defects in the baby (fetus) during pregnancy.

We know that Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and eating them regularly helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

Zea-xanthin (1730 µg per 100 g), is a super cool carotenoid in lettuce. It is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea, where it thought to provide antioxidant and filter UV rays falling on the retina. Simply put, our sight (and other processes) fail as we age unless we feed them the nutrients needed to regenerate. Macular degeneration is particularly common in the elderly (my nana has it ) so keeping these carotenoid levels high could help to protect the eye sight.

Minerals levels are also high in lettuces. Iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are all essential for body metabolism.

Potassium is great for controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Romaine is actually highest in copper which is required in the production of red blood cells. Plus theres iron which is essential for red blood cell formation.

How about B vitamins? Yep! Romaine has those too! (thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavins.)

Butter head, crisp head, little gem, Romaine and baby gem are all of the same family so include as many as possible!

Here, have some treats. With love from me to you x


So I’ve been away visiting family in Teesside and beavering away writing e-courses so I haven’t had time to make any treats for a while. So, I thought I’d share a few of my favourites from the archive so you have some healthiness to try over the weekend . Don’t forget to share if you like it! 

1. Healthy Snickers!
Nougat: 1 cup raw flour. (I used ground almonds but next time I’ll add a little oat flour too). 1/2 cup soaked cashews, 1 tbsp agave, 1 tsp vanilla essence.

Caramel: 10 medjool dates, 1 tbsp peanut butter, 1/4 tsp salt. A little warm water. Stir in 1 tbsp chopped nuts after blending.

Chocolate: make your own raw chocolate or melted pure dark chocolate will be fine.

Blend nougat ingredients, mould into shapes then freeze for 30 mins

Blend caramel adding water a little at a time. It should be really thick so it doesn’t slide off when you spread it on the nougat.

Spread on nougat then freeze for another 20 mins or until pretty hard.

Cover in melted chocolate and refrigerate for 10 mins. Keep in the freezer. They’ll only take 20 mins to defrost when you want one wink emoticon

2. The Fatty. An awesome creamy green smoothie:

3 bananas
1 handful kale
1 handful spinach
1 tbsp ground flax
2 kiwis
Top with 2 tbsp coconut cream

3. Peanut Butter Crunch Ice Cream:

Peanut butter chocolate crunch ice cream over maple overnight oats.
I made this for my hubby to refuel after his morning bike race.

Oats soaked in almond milk and maple syrup overnight
Nana-icecream – 2 ripe frozen bananas blended with 2 tbsp crunchy organic peanut butter and a little almond milk.
Scoop over the oats and put back in the freezer for 10 minutes while you’re melting the chocolate. I used pure dark organic. (I could have made it with coconut oil and raw cacao but I ran out)
Drizzle over your cold ice cream and top with peanuts.
The chocolate will cool and crisp up nicely.

Vegan Chocolate Chunk Cookies. Effing gorgeous.

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Sunday baking. Egg free, gluten free and dairy free “little bit of everything” chocolate chunk cookies.

These are super low sugar, probably only 3g per decent cookie. A regular store bought cookie will be at least 10g.

Really easy, chuck it in and blitz it. I never measure anything but I’ve given you approximate amounts.

4 tbsp trail mix
2 tsp vanilla extract
2 tsp almond essence
2 tbsp coconut
2 tbsp chopped brazils
150g dark chocolate (real 80% stuff so it’s got barely any sugar)
2 ripe bananas
3 cups oats
1 cup gf flour
2 tbsp maple syrup
Splash soy milk
1 tsp baking powder

Whizz roughly together. Spoon into biscuit shapes and bake at 200 degrees C for 20 mins approx or until golden. Dee-lish-ious

Government RDAs? LALALALA not listening!!

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Banana, tangerine, blueberry and spinach. Hydration and a tonne of important vitamins and minerals to start the day.

According to government guidelines, this smoothie smashes my RDA of vitamin C and A.

But IGNORE that. You want to be getting your vitamin levels way above 500% if you can. Sure, you’ll “get by” – just – by listening to the “official” recommendations on vitamin intake. But if you want healing and a high level of health you’ll take what those guys say with a pinch of pink rock salt and up those plant based foods 4 or 5 fold. 

Cram in more veggies with your lunch and more with your dinner and you’ll be on track for super immunity, strong bones, cancer protection, higher energy, better weight management, mental clarity, better bone density, lower inflammation and just general coolness 

7 Days to Launch! Save our Skin e-course is here! Learning material sneak preview…

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To celebrate the much awaited launch of the S.O.S Save our Skin e-course launch I’m going to let you in on an excerpt of some of the learning materials. This is from module 3 where you’ll learn all about inflammation and what it means. Healing and learning at the same time!? Awesome or what?

Just 7 days to go until you can sign up!! How exciting?? This course will teach you how to heal the symptoms of psoriasis, eczema, hives, Hidradenitis Suppurativa and other forms of dermatitis. All delivered straight to your inbox PLUS access to the exclusive H.E.A.L Academy Clients Only area for full support.

30 Minute private Skype session
Module 1: Healing menu and food options explained
Module 2: Detox symptoms and natural skincare suggestions
Module 3: Inflammatory illness – what your skin condition is trying to tell you AND Immune system and skin health
Module 4: Healing timecales and food reintroduction method

I’ve loved writing this course, I’m really excited about it! It’s looking totally awesome.

“When Chronic Inflammation Goes Untreated.

Left untreated, chronic inflammation will start to affect more and more processes in your body. Your skin condition may just be the start of it. ideally all of your major systems should be communicating with each other. So your digestion, endocrine (hormones), cardiovascular, nervous and respiratory systems all work together in harmony. Introduce prolonged inflammation and these communication systems will start to break down and cause damage.

The scary thing is the symptoms of this breakdown can be relatively mild, so are easily ignored or lived with until suddenly your body can’t cope anymore and communications breakdown completely. I’m not trying to scare you, or suggest that your skin condition means you’re going to drop down dead – far from it. What I’m saying is that the longer you leave inflammation untreated, the more damage will occur which means you risk more chronic illness as the years go on….”

To keep updated you can sign up to the Tonic Nutrition Newsletter here: http://eepurl.com/ba9eLP where you’ll get a free copy of my ebook.

Or, join the fabulous and FREE Tonic community hub and think-tank Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries here >>



Thought I’d do a little overview of what I ate yesterday. So I’m trying to achieve a few things with my diet at the moment. I’m training so I need enough energy for that, also I want to lose this last few lbs! Also I’m battling with my Gilbert Syndrome at the moment. I’m not feeling too bad but I know it’s there so I’m eating fully raw at the moment and I’m feeling better already.

Breakfast was a litre of green smoothie with lacuma, maca, hemp protein powder, berries and banana. Lunch was a huge mixed salad with cayenne tofu mayo. Dinner was a massive bowl of zoodles, tomatoes, onion in a peanut butter and coconut satay sauce. I had a few squares of dark chocolate and a black forest smoothie around 8pm for a snack.

With this I achieved 700% of my vitamin A and C, around 60 – 70% of my iron and calcium. All of my fibre needs and also all of my protein needs. I also got in my essential fats too.

No hunger unless it was meal time, no cravings and tonnes of energy.

What are you trying to achieve at the moment?