Coming soon…Kick Sugar’s Ass in 2 Weeks!

Sugar Course Cover

Currently in it’s Beta testing phase, my very first ecourse will be available very soon! Get on over to the Tonic Nutrition Facebook page for more updates.

You can also join my AWESOME group, Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries. It’s totally a totally cool, friendly community of people wanting to change their worlds – and they are!

Yeast Infections in Children

Yeast Infections in Children:

Following on from a conversation I was having with a client earlier, I thought I’d write a post about yeast infections in our children and possible causes. I deal with children’s health issues quite often and yeast infections can be a common issue. Here are a few things to look out for if your child suffers with yeast infections.

Traditional medicine is very much about nurturing our body’s own healing system and ensuring your immune and internal defences remain strong.

Unfortunately today, in our culture of modern medicine, it seems the opposite is true. We fill ourselves with antibiotics – especially our children and consume immune suppressive, nutrient poor foods or processed foods which encourage yeast to grow.

In your intestines you have good bacteria and yeast. We have discussed this before but the yeast is very important and lives in harmony with our good bacteria – they need each other.

Antibiotics: If our good bacteria is killed by antibiotics, the yeast very quickly proliferate and take over, leading to yeast an imbalance and the very uncomfortable symptoms of yeast infection. Yeast infections can be very serious. They can lead to leaky gut by poking holes in the intestinal wall letting toxins into the blood stream. They can also give off neurotoxins causing emotional and mental issues. Instead of antibiotics, reach for the probiotics instead!

Dairy: Diary contains antibiotics. So a child who regularly consumes dairy products may have an impaired immune system and open to catching regular viruses. Also, regular consumption of dairy will cause the issues as described above. The Milk Board like to tell you that no antibiotics survive the pasteurisation process however test after test confirms that it does get through, and even from my own work with clients – take the dairy away and improvements happen very quickly.

Refined carbs: A diet high in processed sugars, yeast from breads, juice, pasta, white rice, potatoes, fried foods, crisps, fries, chips, cakes, sweets and snack foods is perfect for growing yeast. You want more yeast? Give it sugar. If you aren’t nurturing your child’s good bacteria as well as offering them lots of processed and sugary snacks and drinks an imbalance will soon occur.

Diabetes: Uncontrolled diabetes can cause yeast infections so it’s imperative that this condition is kept in check both nutritionally and medically.

There can be other factors too but those are some of the easiest to look out for.

You can easily nurture a healthy digestive system for your child. Daily powdered probiotics added to breakfasts or smoothies or even just in a glass of water will encourage the growth of good bacteria.

Offer a diet low in processed foods, juices and snacks but high in fresh, fibrous whole foods. Home cooked meals full of goodness.

Try introducing fermented foods like sauerkraut and pickled fermentations of turnip, cabbage, cucumber and onions? It may be a taste sensation at first but only a little is needed. Fermented foods contain natural probiotics…so sneak a little under their mash 😉

Parfait. I rest my case.


Strawberry parfait with gingerbread granola. Two clean jars. Great after school snacks, or breakfast, or mid morning, or supper…

Basic granola: 3 tbsp coconut oil melted in a pan. Mix in 2 cups oats, 1 tbsp cacao nibs or dark choc drops, little squeeze agave, 1 tsp mixed spice and 1 tsp ginger. Bake at 180 for 20 minutes.

Raw jam: smooshed up fresh strawberries with a pinch of Stevia.

Layer up with soy yogurt.

Awesome Smoothie Alert!


This was lunch yesterday. I’ll post more later but this is a great smoothie option for those of you not keen on bananas – strawberry, fresh ginger and apple. I had it at the airport on the way back from Copenhagen and I’ve been addicted ever since. The only difficulty is strawberries are out of season in the UK so might not have that super sweet taste, but it was still good.

Ginger has been used for centuries – certainly as long as 2000 years ago in China- throughout the world as a traditional treatment for loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting after surgery, nausea, flatulence, stomach, upset, colic, morning sickness and motion sickness.

Its also a key plant in Ayurvedic medicine, a system of traditional medicine native to the Indian subcontinent.

More recent scientific research has found that compounds in fresh ginger can reduce inflammation markers in the colon in as little as 4 weeks, so reducing the risk of colon cancer. For long term health I’d always recommend looking at your diet as a whole though, but ginger is a great addition to it for its therapeutic benefits.

Also, a study at University of Rochester Medical Center found that ginger supplements administered alongside anti vomiting medications in chemotherapy patients reduced nausea by 40%. The healing power of plants.

1 inch square piece of fresh ginger blended at high speed with 2 apples and 1 cup ice cubes.
Add in fresh strawberries to blend at the end. I used about 12.


The Wine & Pretzels Diet..Loving it

Just following on from a discussion in my Revolutionaries group I’m going to put this out there. Tonight I’m having a little glass of wine and a few pretzels because my tummy hurts and I feel like it (sorry men folk, girl talk!).

My approach is not about diets, or following a certain eating regime. It about being real. I’m real, I like a little indulgence now and then. And so should you! I’m not saying pig out all weekend, every weekend, but a little something-something now and then is FINE.

Be mindful about your health, nourish it, treasure it and adhere to certain standards by all means, but have a life!

I eat WELL. I never restrict and I eat like a QUEEN. All gorgeous stuff, I love it.

Indulgences are NEVER “treats”. Junk is always junk. But will it hurt now and then? No!

So skip the guilt and schedule in a little naughtiness. You can’t be good all the time! So don’t try.

80% good, 20% indulgence. Guilt free.

Super healthy 4 course meal from me to you xoxo


Here’s an idea for you.
Breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert.

All #dairyfree#glutenfree#sugarfree. You may have food intolerance, be vegan or just looking for tasty, healthy alternatives. Whatever your reason for looking for something different I’m sure you’ll love these! Feel free to share and spread the Tonic love!

Clockwise from top left:

BREAKFAST: Overnight vanilla soy oats layered with chopped mixed nuts, shaved coconut and topped with homemade strawberry & raspberry jam (blended defrosted frozen berries with half a tsp of Truvia).
Raw overnight oats method: in a jar, add 2 tsp vanilla extract and some soy milk to your dry oats. Stir and leave overnight. Layer up with the other goodies in the morning. The benefit of raw oats is that they’re much more nutritious. Soaking them dissolves the phytic acid which surrounds all grains. This allows the nutrients in the oats to be absorbed better by your body.

LUNCH: Fabulous falafels! These are yellow split pea and chickpea. Cook the yellow split peas and chickpeas. Drain then add lemon juice, sea or rock salt, mixed herbs, garlic, and little oil (sesame or rapeseed?). Soften some leeks and onions in a pan. Mix everything together and pulse briefly in a food processor. Roll into balls and oven bake until golden. Approx 20 minutes at 190 degrees C. Serve with hummus, garlic and cayenne tofu mayo and a fresh salad.

DINNER: Lasagne!
Pasta free
Cheese free
Meat free
Fat free
Dairy free
Gluten free
Okay….This was a little more time consuming than I’d usually like but I was cooking for a few people and it really only took 40 minutes including cooking time. So not too bad really.

Use sliced courgette in place of pasta sheets, slice thinly or use a potato peeler (I used the peeler).
I layered mine up with barely cooked broccoli, mushrooms, leeks and carrots. I used a tomato passata sauce but added in extra garlic, mixed herbs and paprika for a smokey flavour.

Cheese(less) sauce:

Boil up 2 or 3 cups of cauliflower in lightly salted water.
Blend with oat milk, 2 tsp Dijon mustard, 3 tbsp nutritional yeast, rock or sea salt and black pepper.
Layer everything in a casserole dish. Top with sliced tomatoes and an extra sprinkle of nutritional yeast.
Bake at 220 for approx 20 minutes.
Garnish with fresh basil.

DESSERT: Raw jammy, coconut, creamy, chocolatey, ice cream pots.

Pre-freeze some peeled and chopped bananas. Blend them in your food processor with a little vanilla essence.
Swirl in some raw blackberry jam (simply defrost some blackberries, blend with a 1/4 tsp Stevia)
Blob on 2 tsp coconut cream (the cream from the top of a can of coconut milk)
Add chunks of raw brownie
Sprinkle over some crushed raw cacao nibs or dark chocolate drops.  

ROCKING my 3 day recovery plan.


Seriously, can you ROCK my 3 Day Recovery Plan any better than this? Go girl! Think you’re giving me a run for my money! My clients are so cool.

If you want a copy it’s still available for free download over in my AWESOME group Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries, check it out!

“Just had the curry in the last pic and I’m very full. But still comfortable! No nasty bloaty belly! Thanks so much for inspiring me to damn well sort my diet out Lynsey Mentier xx”

Smoothie Bowls are the Freaking BOMB


It’s all about the smoothie bowl this morning.
I am totally STUFFED. Fruit is so high in fibre and hydration that you’ll have a bursting belly in no time. The key to maintaining a healthy weight – or losing weight – is the fibre content of your food.

Fibre is great for digestion, yes, but that’s really a teeeeeensy part of the vital role it plays in your body.

✔ blood sugar control
✔ lower heart attack risk
✔ lower stroke risk
✔ slows carbohydrate metabolism which means better weight management
✔ removes yeast fungus from the body, stopping excretion through the skin which may trigger rash or acne
✔ reduced risk of diverticulitis
✔ lower risk of hemorrhoids
✔ reduced risk of gallstones and kidney stones

So. Fibre will reduce your risk of most common illnesses while bringing your weight down but keeping you feeling full. Is that a perfect solution or what?

1 large banana, 1 chunk pineapple blended with camu camu and ground flax.
Topped with kiwi, blueberries, clementine and a few cashews.

Camu camu info: