Health and Diet – Make the Connection

Hello lovelies! Ask yourself this – what’s stopping you from achieving your health goals? I’m not talking about having great skin or losing some weight. I’m talking about getting well. Healing a health condition.

For many people using food as medication instead of pills can be an alien concept. We’re so used to visiting the GP to be sent away with a truck load of topical creams, antibiotics, stronger pain medication or just being told we need to live with it. NO!

I can’t stress enough how your health is directly linked to what you put in your mouth. You can heal or greatly alleviate many conditions just by changing your diet. It’s that simple.

If you find yourself going back and forth to your GP and not achieving the health results you’re looking for, why not try a different avenue?

I have many clients with a range of different health conditions enjoying the best health of their lives simply by looking at healing through diet. I can guide you and let you know which foods may be causing or making certain health conditions worse. I can design a personalised plan just for you with ongoing support and coaching to get you through to wellness.

Your body is awesome. It WANTS to be well. Many people see huge progress within just a few weeks. A dietary approach is the safest and simplest avenue to try – no toxic drugs, no crazy supplements…food. That’s it.

If you have any health condition then I can probably help but here are a few examples of what I successfully deal with on a regular basis – IBS, food intolerance, kids health, arthritis pain, autoimmune, eczema, psoriasis, acne, anxiety, depression, type 2 diabetes, sugar cravings and hormone imbalance.

My method is to create a healing environment in your body. Doing this will allow your body to do all the work – it will make itself well all by itself given the right opportunity – and quickly too.

Message me now to book a consultation. How could you be feeling within a few weeks? or grab me at the Tonic Facebook page here >> 

Cheeky Monkey Breakfast Stealer


Trying to have breakfast with these two veg monsters around is pretty impossible!

When it comes to kids and smoothies do yourself a favour and get a really decent blender or bullet. At least 800W.

Most kids hate bits – it’s just a kid thing so make it easy on them and offer up a smooth smoothie. Riley (pictured) will drink muddiest, greenest, bittiest, thickest concoction I could give him. But his brother Charlie – no way. If it’s not straight up chocolate, banana or strawberry he won’t drink it. But he will eat all his veg so I’m good with it.

If you’re just changing your eating habits don’t expect overnight results from your kids. It takes time, consistency and for you to lead by example. TRUST ME. I have a lot of mommas in my groups and slowly but surely they report big achievements from their kids. Don’t give up!

Any of my amazing mommas want to share their stories please feel free!

Operation Sparkle – my new free ebook

Skin ebook cover

Aw I made you all a free ebook! Operation Sparkle. This is for you guys who aren’t suffering from a skin condition but want to eat your way to glowing, healthy looking skin and get rid of pimples, blotches and breakouts. See below for a sneaky peek!

It’ll be up tomorrow in my gorgeous Revolutionaries group – the amazing Tonic community hub so get on over. Or, if you’re on the newsletter you’ll get it straight to your inbox. Get on the newsletter here

Revolutionaries group:

“Vitamin A, otherwise known as retinol, is up at the top of the list of go-to vitamins for skin. Your skin cells regenerate every 28 days and this mighty vit promotes that skin cell turnover as well as helping to create healthy new ones. If you are prone to oily skin or spots, vitamin A will keep oil production healthy by inhibiting sebaceous gland activity. Some mucous production in the skin is perfectly natural and vital for keeping the layers healthy. People deficient in vitamin A will often have dry, rough skin and possibly rough raised bumps on the backs of the arms. This is called hyperkeratosis pillaris. It can commonly be a sign of food intolerance but also as a sign of vitamin A deficiency. Choose red, orange and purple foods such as sweet potatoes, carrots, beets and berries. Dark leafy greens, lettuce and dried apricots are also great sources. I feel a smoothie coming on…”.

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course GOES LIVE! Enrol Here

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course just went LIVE! Get yours at the discounted price – just £35 until Friday!

If you’re on the Tonic newsletter, check your inbox!

It looks totally awesome! If you’re suffering from a skin condition – psoriasis, eczema, hives or dermatitis then check it out. This course has ben massively successful is treating many types of skin complaint. You could be well on your ay to recovery in a matter of weeks.

If this isn’t the course for you, any shares, reblogs and support would be very much appreciated. Much love, healing and sparkles xx

Enrol Here Button


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In celebration of S.O.S Save our Skin launching tomorrow I have a flash sale on ALL courses on the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy website. IBS & Food Intolerance – Days to Freedom and Sugar it’s not me…it’s you! AND the new Save our Skin course only £35 until Friday. Get ’em quick!

I received an amazing testimonial from one of my gorgeous clients a few days ago so I thought I’d post it today. You’ll love it, her little boy – only 4 years old – went through the treatment as he was constantly covered in sore, itchy hives, poor little mite. Interestingly one of her other sons went through the course to support his little brother and his persistent blocked nose and sinus problems cleared up too!

Months of hives daily is what my four year old son has put up with! I tried all sorts and was at my wits end! I found Lynsey through Facebook and we have never looked back! We were lucky and it seems to be only a couple of things that actually break him out and we found it quite quickly, I guess for some it might take longer. He was a really picky eater as he also had digestive problems but now his appetite is enormous! And no hives! He’s even trying some new foods which he never does.

Lynsey knows her stuff, she is a very clever woman and passionate about what she does, she took us through an elimination diet which was tough but it’s not for ever, if you want to get sorted she can really help and WANTS to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her and will definitely be following her Facebook page and turning to her for advice in the future.

P.s we have been having green smoothies in the morning! Wow! Sets you up for the day!”

So there you have it. A really simple and effective treatment safe for the whole family xx



Thought I’d do a little overview of what I ate yesterday. So I’m trying to achieve a few things with my diet at the moment. I’m training so I need enough energy for that, also I want to lose this last few lbs! Also I’m battling with my Gilbert Syndrome at the moment. I’m not feeling too bad but I know it’s there so I’m eating fully raw at the moment and I’m feeling better already.

Breakfast was a litre of green smoothie with lacuma, maca, hemp protein powder, berries and banana. Lunch was a huge mixed salad with cayenne tofu mayo. Dinner was a massive bowl of zoodles, tomatoes, onion in a peanut butter and coconut satay sauce. I had a few squares of dark chocolate and a black forest smoothie around 8pm for a snack.

With this I achieved 700% of my vitamin A and C, around 60 – 70% of my iron and calcium. All of my fibre needs and also all of my protein needs. I also got in my essential fats too.

No hunger unless it was meal time, no cravings and tonnes of energy.

What are you trying to achieve at the moment?

When Good Hunger Turns Baaaaaaad!

When Good Hunger Turns Baaaaaaad!

Thought I’d do a little post about false hunger as it commonly comes up with my students taking the Sugar it’s not me… It’s YOU e-course. A modern, or Western, way of eating has – over time – trained us to eat food for the way it makes us feel, instead of what we really need it for. That being sustainable energy, cell renewal, brain function, fat burning and muscle repair. Pretty basic but that’s what food is for.

Processed food, sugar, additives, too many grains, fruit juices, pastries and excess carbohydrates make us feel good – GREAT even! But its not real. It’s a chemical reaction in your brain that should not be happening. Its like an addiction.

Over time, eating these refined carbohydrates, fatty meats and sugary foods affects you – badly. It starts to lead you down the road of insulin resistance. But what does that even mean? I know you’ve heard the term many times before so I’ll try to explain how insulin resistance can cause a false hunger.

Insulin is released as a signal for your body to suck up all of that lovely energy floating around in your blood with a view to sending it off to your various cells. This process should happen over a number of hours. When all the energy is used up, you get hungry again as a signal that you need to replenish your energy stores. That’s cool – time to eat again! It should be an ongoing process. True hunger should happen at regular times – around 3 to 4 hours after you’ve eaten a main meal. If your body is healthy and utilising energy properly from food, natural whole foods will seem very appealing to you – this is your body saying “heck yeah, that makes me feel good! eat more!”

False hunger can be identified when it happens at irregular times, links in to when you’re tired, happens shortly after you’ve eaten and comes with cravings for sweet or high carb foods – these are danger signals and need to be rectified.

If your diet consists of nutrient/fibre poor foods, sugars, processed fats and refined carbohydrates then your hunger signals will begin to fail. These foods make your body release far too much insulin, in one big surge – causing all of the energy in your blood to be sucked up too quickly. Darn, no energy left – cue hunger and probably cue weight gain too. What happens to the all that energy you just asked for if you don’t use it up or burn it off? Yep, it gets stored as fat, usually around your middle because of the pressure your pancreas is under. It’s your pancreas which releases insulin. This process sets of a massively inflammatory environment in your body too, which leads onto other related illnesses like diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease and even cancer.

Over time, your pancreas is going to become pretty pooped as it’s being constantly over worked. Not only that, but you become resistant to the insulin being secreted – this means that no matter how much insulin you release, your body doesn’t suck up the energy from your blood. So you eat more, but the energy never gets used – even though you’re eating a lot, you’re always hungry because you aren’t converting that food to energy properly. So lots of food input, not enough energy uptake. Of course its a lot more in-depth than that but those are the basics.

Luckily this process can be reversed. For those suffering with initial sugar cravings then it can be done in about 2 weeks. For those suffering with diagnosed insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes then of course it will take longer as the condition has progressed. But in the grand scheme of things you could be well in a relatively short period of time through a really quite simple dietary and lifestyle change.

If you’d like to talk to me further about reversing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes or any other health condition please message me for a chat. Always happy to help x

H.E.A.L Academy is here!

Trumpets….H.E.A.L Academy is here! Offering you a range of online healing resources and courses aimed at self healing your health conditions along side professional support, and the support of your fellow students.

The first two courses available for enrolment are IBS & Food Intolerance – 14 Days to Freedom, and Sugar, it’s not me…it’s YOU!

All course materials are delivered straight to your inbox via email. Join the exclusive students only groups and work through your course with likeminded people, as well as having me on hand to help you too.

Check out H.E.A.L Academy for more information about the course modules. More courses will be added shortly, as well as a range of free resources too. Feel free to share!

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Amazing Client Case Study – Nodular Prurigo

Amazing case study I think you’ll all like. Some skin conditions can be absolutely debilitating and it seems so unlikely a simple lifestyle change can go a long way to solving them. But sometimes, that’s just what happens! Sometimes it takes time to solve the problem but it’s worth the journey to live symptom free.

” I first started working with Lynsey about 10 months ago. I was struggling with an undiagnosed ‘itch’ on my legs which was starting to cause me real concern. The doctor kept telling me there was no reason for it as far as he could tell and that he was stumped. My skin wasn’t marked that badly at that point so there wasn’t anything to see. We went through every antihistamine known to man… they didn’t work.

Lynsey suggested it might be food intolerance but said there could also be other reasons behind it and that we’d just need to try and see.
We started in June with a detox…which was sheer hell! We cut out everything barring a few staples such as veg and potatoes.
Nothing helped. It just didn’t work. I kept itching and my skin started to show spots and marks all over. Eventually I was covered: from head to toe: it was even on my face and in my hair….and after getting a severe infection from scratching, I was referred urgently to the dermatologist and put on steroid creams etc. There were tests for lymphoma and all sorts of other things. It wasn’t a good time at all.

Meantime Lynsey kept faith with me and encouraged me to try again with the detox.
Slowly…very slowly..I started to start to identify some symptoms and times where the itch got worse and we realised I was intolerant to potato (what a stupid thing to be intolerant to!!)

At the same time the dermatologist finally gave me a diagnosis; I have Nodular Prurigo: an illness where there is no real ‘reason’ for the itch but where stress and intolerances have a part to play. Since my skin looked like a troll had taken over my body at that point: stress was definitely a huge factor! The dermatologist referred me for ‘light therapy’ and at the same time I cut out all potato products and followed Lynsey’s ‘raw week’ for a while.
What a difference. The itch disappeared almost completely …and my skin started to recover. I came off all the steroid creams and after 3 months I’m almost fully healed. My skin is clear. I still need a wee bit of treatment on my feet since they have been badly affected, and I need to keep control of my stress levels..but I finally feel human again.

I have to be very careful of foods since potato starch is in a lot of food and restaurants routinely use potato without saying anything…I struggled after a visit to the local Thai restaurant last week.
But knowing what the main issue is and being able to avoid it has made a big difference to my life.

Lynsey was a huge help and worked with me…around the medical stuff…constantly but subtly encouraging me to keep trying, even when I didn’t want to be encouraged!

Nodular Prurigo never goes away, and my stress levels will always have an effect on my health. But knowing my food intolerance means that I can now keep control of things and I’ll never be a human in a troll skin again!
Thank you Lynsey!!”

Cashew Cream Cheese


You know what i love? Cream cheese. You know what i don’t love? Dairy, animal cruelty, factory farming, additions like pain medications, antibiotics, anti-fungals and hormones. I also don’t like disease and inflammation.

But, that’s just me. I deal with a lot of clients who can’t tolerate dairy because of food intolerance or IBS. So, whatever your reasons, there’s always an alternative.

I make my cheese out of cashews. Why wouldn’t you opt for plantbased goodness?

This is herb and chilli cream cheese. Took about 10 minutes to make using soaked cashews. Easy and healthy.

300g cashews soaked for 2 hours in water
1 tbsp dried mixed herbs
Pinch of rock salt
1 tsp garlic powder
1 finger chilli (or to taste)
3 tbsp hemp oil

Put everything in a food processor and blend. Blend blend blend. Scrape down the sides and get blending some more until its super smooth and creamy. That’s it!