Burn Fat for a Good Nights Sleep

Many people who have taken the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy Beat Sugar ecourse have reported that they now sleep much better. It’s common for someone with blood sugar imbalance to have disturbed sleep and wake frequently through the night. Here’s an explanation as to why that might be:

When your body is craving carbs and sugar, you tend to rely on this for energy – which is a very short lived energy supply as they burn really quickly which creates a high, then a low in your energy.

A properly nourished body with stable blood sugar will burn fat at rest – and while you sleep. In fact your ability to sleep through the night depends on this very ability to burn fat as fuel – not carbohydrate. Fat is a very long lasting fuel which can keep you going for at least 8 or 9 hours – which is around how long you should be sleeping for ideally.

If your body is not used to burning fat – only sugars and other quick burning carbs – you will find yourself waking every few hours. This is your body running out of energy to get you through the night. So essentially your body wakes you to look for food.

If you want to try the Beat Sugar ecourse the full details are at www.tonichealacademy.com. It’s really fun and we have a great support group of students over in the Clients Only area. The healing results are great too because training your body to burn fat for fuel instead of carbs will really kick off a great weight loss if you need it.

Breaking News: I’m not Perfect *gasp!* haha x

We’ve all got strengths and weaknesses when it comes to our diet. It can be really easy to beat yourself up about how you’ve over indulged or had too much sugar in your tea or cracked and ate 3 extra biscuits. My weaknesses are definitely crisps on occasion and some days having one too many decafs. Sometimes I even go out with my friends and drink too much and flare up my Gilbert syndrome for the next 2 weeks 

But screw all of that. Did I enjoy the extra coffee? Yup. Did I totally love my weekend bag of salt and vinegar Tyrells? You freaking know it! Did I have an awesome night out? Of course! Good then! Move on!

Let’s focus on the good instead:
Most of the time I eat a fully raw diet
Most of the time I drink enough water
Most of the time I remember to take the supplements for my Gilberts syndrome

So, my point is don’t focus on what you perceive to be the bad parts of your diet. Look at the good! I bet it’s better than you think.

What are the best bits about your diet?

Raspberry Bakewell Choc Chunk Muffins

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Were raspberry bakewell choc chunk muffins a good idea? Sshhyeah? Obviously! I used a doughnut tin for these as i couldn’t find my muffin cups but really this mix will go in anything.
2 cups gluten free flour
2 cups spelt flour (yes you can use all gluten free if you want)
2 tsp almond essence
3 tsp vanilla extract
1 tbsp coconut sugar (or use agave or similar)
150g pure dark chocolate chunks
1 cup raspberries
2 tsp baking powder
2 cups liquid (i used almond milk and water. Add more if needed)

Mix everything together. Spoon into your cups or trays. Bake at 200 degrees C for 20 minutes.

How about these for lazy Sunday munchies? If you make ’em remember I want to see the pics

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course GOES LIVE! Enrol Here

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course just went LIVE! Get yours at the discounted price – just £35 until Friday!

If you’re on the Tonic newsletter, check your inbox!

It looks totally awesome! If you’re suffering from a skin condition – psoriasis, eczema, hives or dermatitis then check it out. This course has ben massively successful is treating many types of skin complaint. You could be well on your ay to recovery in a matter of weeks.

If this isn’t the course for you, any shares, reblogs and support would be very much appreciated. Much love, healing and sparkles xx

Enrol Here Button


Save Our Skin Banner

In celebration of S.O.S Save our Skin launching tomorrow I have a flash sale on ALL courses on the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy website. IBS & Food Intolerance – Days to Freedom and Sugar it’s not me…it’s you! AND the new Save our Skin course only £35 until Friday. Get ’em quick!

I received an amazing testimonial from one of my gorgeous clients a few days ago so I thought I’d post it today. You’ll love it, her little boy – only 4 years old – went through the treatment as he was constantly covered in sore, itchy hives, poor little mite. Interestingly one of her other sons went through the course to support his little brother and his persistent blocked nose and sinus problems cleared up too!

Months of hives daily is what my four year old son has put up with! I tried all sorts and was at my wits end! I found Lynsey through Facebook and we have never looked back! We were lucky and it seems to be only a couple of things that actually break him out and we found it quite quickly, I guess for some it might take longer. He was a really picky eater as he also had digestive problems but now his appetite is enormous! And no hives! He’s even trying some new foods which he never does.

Lynsey knows her stuff, she is a very clever woman and passionate about what she does, she took us through an elimination diet which was tough but it’s not for ever, if you want to get sorted she can really help and WANTS to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her and will definitely be following her Facebook page and turning to her for advice in the future.

P.s we have been having green smoothies in the morning! Wow! Sets you up for the day!”

So there you have it. A really simple and effective treatment safe for the whole family xx

Polenta Fingers – Crunchy Goodness

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Crunchy curried polenta fingers. Crunchy on the outside, soft on the inside. With a gorgeous tomato powder and chilli tofu mayo.

800ml water – bring to the boil
150g polenta
3 tbsp good quality curry powder (I used my awesome Proper Curreh from Mumbai Spice Harry​
Pinch salt
1 tsp garlic powder

Add the polenta to the water and keep whisking to keep out clumps. Add in the other ingredients. Keep whisking for a few minutes. Once well combined and you have a thick mixture, turn out onto a marble slab or large cold plate. Spread out to about 2cm thick. Allow to cool completely.
Once cool, cut into fingers and fry in coconut oil on all sides until golden and crispy. Cool then serve.

Polenta, or maize/cornmeal, dates back to the 1700s. It was considered to be peasant food as it was so cheap and plentiful – real grub!

Corn today is usually genetically modified so it’s best to try and get a brand of polenta that is organic. I use Biona and I buy it off Amazon.

Corn is great for supporting the growth of friendly bacteria in the large intestine. Transforming into short chain fatty acids which supply intestinal cells with energy. This process is important for lowering the risk of colon cancer.

Polenta is a low carbohydrate option. It’s high in vitamin C and vitamin A. It’s also a good source of caroteinoids.

The body can turn some caretenoids into vitamin A which are pretty powerful antioxidants. They can help prevent chronic disease and are great for enhancing immune response to infection.

You can get pre packed polenta instead of having to cook, cool and slice it yourself. Simply slice it and grill, bake or fry it. Obviously you can’t add in your own flavours but it’s tasty and works just as well.

Amazing Client Case Study – Nodular Prurigo

Amazing case study I think you’ll all like. Some skin conditions can be absolutely debilitating and it seems so unlikely a simple lifestyle change can go a long way to solving them. But sometimes, that’s just what happens! Sometimes it takes time to solve the problem but it’s worth the journey to live symptom free.

” I first started working with Lynsey about 10 months ago. I was struggling with an undiagnosed ‘itch’ on my legs which was starting to cause me real concern. The doctor kept telling me there was no reason for it as far as he could tell and that he was stumped. My skin wasn’t marked that badly at that point so there wasn’t anything to see. We went through every antihistamine known to man… they didn’t work.

Lynsey suggested it might be food intolerance but said there could also be other reasons behind it and that we’d just need to try and see.
We started in June with a detox…which was sheer hell! We cut out everything barring a few staples such as veg and potatoes.
Nothing helped. It just didn’t work. I kept itching and my skin started to show spots and marks all over. Eventually I was covered: from head to toe: it was even on my face and in my hair….and after getting a severe infection from scratching, I was referred urgently to the dermatologist and put on steroid creams etc. There were tests for lymphoma and all sorts of other things. It wasn’t a good time at all.

Meantime Lynsey kept faith with me and encouraged me to try again with the detox.
Slowly…very slowly..I started to start to identify some symptoms and times where the itch got worse and we realised I was intolerant to potato (what a stupid thing to be intolerant to!!)

At the same time the dermatologist finally gave me a diagnosis; I have Nodular Prurigo: an illness where there is no real ‘reason’ for the itch but where stress and intolerances have a part to play. Since my skin looked like a troll had taken over my body at that point: stress was definitely a huge factor! The dermatologist referred me for ‘light therapy’ and at the same time I cut out all potato products and followed Lynsey’s ‘raw week’ for a while.
What a difference. The itch disappeared almost completely …and my skin started to recover. I came off all the steroid creams and after 3 months I’m almost fully healed. My skin is clear. I still need a wee bit of treatment on my feet since they have been badly affected, and I need to keep control of my stress levels..but I finally feel human again.

I have to be very careful of foods since potato starch is in a lot of food and restaurants routinely use potato without saying anything…I struggled after a visit to the local Thai restaurant last week.
But knowing what the main issue is and being able to avoid it has made a big difference to my life.

Lynsey was a huge help and worked with me…around the medical stuff…constantly but subtly encouraging me to keep trying, even when I didn’t want to be encouraged!

Nodular Prurigo never goes away, and my stress levels will always have an effect on my health. But knowing my food intolerance means that I can now keep control of things and I’ll never be a human in a troll skin again!
Thank you Lynsey!!”

Chronic Fatigue and Adrenal Fatigue – Get Well!

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Adrenal Fatigue.

If you have been to your doctor with either of these complaints, you’ve probably walked away feeling more frustrated and alone than you did before your diagnosis. Or, as in my case, were even told it was “all in your head”. Really?? Cue doubts about my own sanity! (Turns out I actually had Gilbert Syndrome, so I’m not crazy after all).

Whichever diagnosis you’ve been labelled with, they all boil down to similar symptoms – tiredness, fatigue, difficulty waking or getting out of bed, low mood, tearfulness, trouble sleeping and the feeling of being overwhelmed. 

Energy is the source of all life, and of all health too. If there is anything blocking our ability to make energy then chronic illness will not be far behind. It’s down to our cells to make energy from the food we eat. Chronic fatigue is the inability to produce this energy effectively.

Childhood viruses, infectious diseases, vaccinations and poor diet choices can all trigger this group of illnesses.

Food sensitivities can be triggered by illness or poor diet choice damaging the gut over time. Certainly three of the most damaging and common dietary influences are sugar, processed gluten/wheat products and dairy. All of these things cause inflammation, disrupt hormone production and damage our immunity – our gut flora.
Food sensitivities also prevent absorption of nutrients which means our cells have nothing useful to make energy out of.

Just to illustrate this with regards to sugar: When you flood the body with sugar from soda, candy, white flours, sweet breakfast cereals and fruit juices you trigger a state of emergency which it is your adrenal gland’s job to respond to.

Having high blood sugar disrupts and potentially damages every cell in you body. This threat triggers an immune and hormonal response. Over time this constant state of emergency fatigues your glands leaving you pretty wiped out and unable to recover.

Adrenal fatigue and chronic fatigue can be very well treated though diet. It takes time, however, and means a consistent lifestyle change. Issues like candida, leaky gut and low digestive enzyme production can all play a part. All this can be healed but it won’t happen over night.

Some damage to the glands may not be able to be fully repaired and will always be triggered by external factors like stress (your adrenal gland is your stress gland after all). But, you can probably enjoy a much better quality of life with episodes becoming much less frequent and your energy levels normalising.

Recovery is about rebuilding your health, not hiding the symptoms. Some medications may offer short term relief, but the underlying cause isn’t being treated – you’re simply buying yourself time whilst you further damage your glands. This will eventually lead to more serious issues.

If you have any questions about a dietary approach to CFS or adrenal fatigue please feel free to message me – always happy to offer advice!