Follow my Fasting Journey

Just £10 to join! Fasting for Health starts Monday 1st June and is a 7 day professionally guided fasting program. Fasting has many fantastic health benefits such as stronger digestion, healthy bowel movements, elimination of toxins, reduction of bloating and better sleeping patterns. There are 3 great fasting styles for you to choose from – juice fast, water fast or warrior fast.

I started my fast yesterday so you can follow my journey before I guyed you through yours on Monday. We’ll aim for a week but just go at your own pace and however many days you feel comfortable with.

There is a fully downloadable PDF guide in the Fasting for Health support group to make sure you complete the fast safely.

Fasting for Health is just £10 to join. Make your paypal payment to and request access to the Fasting for Health group here >>

The Diet/Mental Health Connection

I treat clients through diet for many different health conditions; arthritis, autoimmune, hormone imbalance, skin conditions, food intolerance, IBS, acid reflux etc. But one I see regularly is anxiety and depression. Though changing my clients diet we can get awesome results in curing or managing anxiety, depression and panic attacks. In fact, I have had clients who have been too anxious to even leave the house alone, who are now almost fully recovered or able to manage their symptoms and reduce or eliminate medications. So, I read some latest medical studies with interest as they seen to back up the success I, and I’m sure many other naturopaths, have had with their clients.

(Source: Biological Psychiatry, 2015; 77(7): 607)

The study suggests that a typical Western diet, which is high in saturated fats and sugars, could be responsible for depression and psychiatric disorders. Now, I know this to be true so it’s brilliant that medical studies are proving this too so patients have other options than simply being reliant on prescribed medications.

A diet high in undesirable fats, sugars and processed foods will change the bacteria in your gut (these are known as the gut micro biome). Your gut bacteria are responsible for the health of all your body as a whole – including your brain. Changes in gut bacteria can affect cognitive ability, memory and increase anxiety.

A typical Western diet is also responsible for causing persistent inflammation in the body and, you guessed it, in your brain too. So this not only leads to depression but also to more serious psychiatric disorders too.

Test subjects eating a typical Western diet appeared to show behavioural problems which included anxiety, impaired memory and repetitive actions similar to OCD. They also showed symptoms of inflammation in the body and brain as well as gut permeability – this means that the lining of the gut has been damaged to the point of letting food particles, toxins and faecal matter seep into the blood stream.

This is something I explain to clients who come to me looking for a solution to their anxiety of depression. The toxins from a leaky gut can be neurotoxins which will directly affect brain function.

Eating a more authentic diet will greatly reduce inflammation in the body, repair the gut and clean the blood. This is vital for overall heath – including mental health.

Interestingly, it’s not just adults who suffer with the mental effects of diet – I see it very commonly in children too. Symptoms include tantrums, lack of concentration, tearfulness, aggression, and slower learning in school. Physical symptoms can include persistent or regular runny nose, ear, nose and throat infections and regular virus or raised temperatures.

Health is wealth! Simple changes in your lifestyle can bring the most profound improvements in your wellbeing.

Raw Brekkie Jar with Berries and Coconut

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Fact: if you eat stuff out of jars it’s just better. Honest!

Seriously though it’s also a great way of broadening your nutritional range. Each food has different levels and types of antioxidants which will all help processes in your body in different ways.

I’m not saying eat a different meal every day of the week, just don’t get in a rut with your ingredients.

Instead of having a lettuce salad, choose spinach, greens and fresh herbs instead. Or instead of a bowl of porridge, top it with nuts, seeds and berries. Having a meal with potato wedges? Why not throw in roast parsnip, sprouts and sweet potato too. Green smoothie? Mix up those greens! Spinach, kale and romaine will all offer you different types of crazy awesome goodness.

Bigger plant based nutritional range = higher standard of health.


Save Our Skin Banner

In celebration of S.O.S Save our Skin launching tomorrow I have a flash sale on ALL courses on the Tonic H.E.A.L Academy website. IBS & Food Intolerance – Days to Freedom and Sugar it’s not me…it’s you! AND the new Save our Skin course only £35 until Friday. Get ’em quick!

I received an amazing testimonial from one of my gorgeous clients a few days ago so I thought I’d post it today. You’ll love it, her little boy – only 4 years old – went through the treatment as he was constantly covered in sore, itchy hives, poor little mite. Interestingly one of her other sons went through the course to support his little brother and his persistent blocked nose and sinus problems cleared up too!

Months of hives daily is what my four year old son has put up with! I tried all sorts and was at my wits end! I found Lynsey through Facebook and we have never looked back! We were lucky and it seems to be only a couple of things that actually break him out and we found it quite quickly, I guess for some it might take longer. He was a really picky eater as he also had digestive problems but now his appetite is enormous! And no hives! He’s even trying some new foods which he never does.

Lynsey knows her stuff, she is a very clever woman and passionate about what she does, she took us through an elimination diet which was tough but it’s not for ever, if you want to get sorted she can really help and WANTS to help, I wouldn’t hesitate to recommend her and will definitely be following her Facebook page and turning to her for advice in the future.

P.s we have been having green smoothies in the morning! Wow! Sets you up for the day!”

So there you have it. A really simple and effective treatment safe for the whole family xx

Lettuce rejoice…


We talk a lot about green smoothies and their benefits and using dark greens like spinach, kale and spring greens. But, have you considered using lettuce in your smoothies?
“Boring, not many nutrients in lettuce right?” Actually they a crazy nutritious! Not the limp leaved watery veg you might think they are. A really great starter green too as they blend away to nothing, so if you aren’t keen on the fibery bits (you’ll love them once you’re a connoisseur) this is a good option.

Just 100 g of fresh, raw-lettuce provides 247% of daily vitamin A. As a guide, a small baby gem (still in the same family as Romaine) might be around 120g. I tend to use a full sized Romaine which is about 250g.

Vitamin A is required for maintaining healthy mucus membranes and skin which protects against viruses, and is also essential for vision. The flavonoids in lettuce and other veg and fruit will help to protect the body from lung and oral cavity cancers.

Bring on the K vits! Romaine is bursting with them. Vitamin K is thought to increase bone mass by promoting osteotrophic activity inside the bone cells. It also has established role in Alzheimer’s disease patients by limiting neuronal damage in the brain.

Folates and vitamin C: Folates required for DNA synthesis and therefore, play a vital role in prevention of the neural tube defects in the baby (fetus) during pregnancy.

We know that Vitamin C is a powerful natural antioxidant and eating them regularly helps the body develop resistance against infectious agents and scavenge harmful, pro-inflammatory free radicals.

Zea-xanthin (1730 µg per 100 g), is a super cool carotenoid in lettuce. It is selectively absorbed into the retinal macula lutea, where it thought to provide antioxidant and filter UV rays falling on the retina. Simply put, our sight (and other processes) fail as we age unless we feed them the nutrients needed to regenerate. Macular degeneration is particularly common in the elderly (my nana has it ) so keeping these carotenoid levels high could help to protect the eye sight.

Minerals levels are also high in lettuces. Iron, calcium, magnesium, and potassium, which are all essential for body metabolism.

Potassium is great for controlling heart rate and blood pressure.
Romaine is actually highest in copper which is required in the production of red blood cells. Plus theres iron which is essential for red blood cell formation.

How about B vitamins? Yep! Romaine has those too! (thiamin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), riboflavins.)

Butter head, crisp head, little gem, Romaine and baby gem are all of the same family so include as many as possible!

Zoodle salad 3 ways

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Oodles of Zoodles – raw salad 3 ways.

I love love love raw food. I do get a buzz off it. If you’ll indulge me and allow me to go “full hippy” for a sec, you can really feel the life force glowing off it and nourishing every cell in your body. Ok, hippy time over.

Ok so for the uninitiated, zoodles are zucchini noodles – basically courgette put through a spiralizer. You can put any hard fruit or veg through – carrots, cucumber, sweet potato, apples…anything you fancy making noodles out of or just for presenting your food in a different way. But if you love raw food and have a hankering for noodles – get zoodling.

Salad number 1 is pretty basic – zoodles, cherry tomatoes and walnuts in sea salt, lime juice and garlic powder. Topped with fresh chilli.

Second is that salad but topped with coconut curry sauce. Basically made with coconut milk, coconut curry spices, garlic and ginger.

Third is topped with wakame, which is seaweed. The health benefits of seaweed are massive. I’ve been eating a lot more of it lately to try to keep my Gilbert Syndrome in check. I’ll be posting about the health benefits of seaweed tomorrow so stay tuned.

When Good Hunger Turns Baaaaaaad!

When Good Hunger Turns Baaaaaaad!

Thought I’d do a little post about false hunger as it commonly comes up with my students taking the Sugar it’s not me… It’s YOU e-course. A modern, or Western, way of eating has – over time – trained us to eat food for the way it makes us feel, instead of what we really need it for. That being sustainable energy, cell renewal, brain function, fat burning and muscle repair. Pretty basic but that’s what food is for.

Processed food, sugar, additives, too many grains, fruit juices, pastries and excess carbohydrates make us feel good – GREAT even! But its not real. It’s a chemical reaction in your brain that should not be happening. Its like an addiction.

Over time, eating these refined carbohydrates, fatty meats and sugary foods affects you – badly. It starts to lead you down the road of insulin resistance. But what does that even mean? I know you’ve heard the term many times before so I’ll try to explain how insulin resistance can cause a false hunger.

Insulin is released as a signal for your body to suck up all of that lovely energy floating around in your blood with a view to sending it off to your various cells. This process should happen over a number of hours. When all the energy is used up, you get hungry again as a signal that you need to replenish your energy stores. That’s cool – time to eat again! It should be an ongoing process. True hunger should happen at regular times – around 3 to 4 hours after you’ve eaten a main meal. If your body is healthy and utilising energy properly from food, natural whole foods will seem very appealing to you – this is your body saying “heck yeah, that makes me feel good! eat more!”

False hunger can be identified when it happens at irregular times, links in to when you’re tired, happens shortly after you’ve eaten and comes with cravings for sweet or high carb foods – these are danger signals and need to be rectified.

If your diet consists of nutrient/fibre poor foods, sugars, processed fats and refined carbohydrates then your hunger signals will begin to fail. These foods make your body release far too much insulin, in one big surge – causing all of the energy in your blood to be sucked up too quickly. Darn, no energy left – cue hunger and probably cue weight gain too. What happens to the all that energy you just asked for if you don’t use it up or burn it off? Yep, it gets stored as fat, usually around your middle because of the pressure your pancreas is under. It’s your pancreas which releases insulin. This process sets of a massively inflammatory environment in your body too, which leads onto other related illnesses like diabetes, arthritis, autoimmune disease and even cancer.

Over time, your pancreas is going to become pretty pooped as it’s being constantly over worked. Not only that, but you become resistant to the insulin being secreted – this means that no matter how much insulin you release, your body doesn’t suck up the energy from your blood. So you eat more, but the energy never gets used – even though you’re eating a lot, you’re always hungry because you aren’t converting that food to energy properly. So lots of food input, not enough energy uptake. Of course its a lot more in-depth than that but those are the basics.

Luckily this process can be reversed. For those suffering with initial sugar cravings then it can be done in about 2 weeks. For those suffering with diagnosed insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes then of course it will take longer as the condition has progressed. But in the grand scheme of things you could be well in a relatively short period of time through a really quite simple dietary and lifestyle change.

If you’d like to talk to me further about reversing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes or any other health condition please message me for a chat. Always happy to help x

Jammy Goodness – the healthy way

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These are ‪#‎dairyfree‬ ‪#‎glutenfree‬ ‪#‎vegan‬ jammy muffins. Big hit with the kids…and the hubby 

3 cups gluten free flour.
1 cup ground seed mix (mine is Linwoods flax, sunflower, pumpkin and goji)
2 tsp baking powder
2 tsp vanilla paste
3 tbsp maple syrup
1 cup organic soy yogurt
2 tsp xanthan gum powder (optonal)
1/2 cup defrosted berries, blended
2 cups almond milk
1 cup desiccated coconut 

Mix everything except the berries together. You may need to add more water or milk so you have a muffin batter.

Spoon into muffin cups. Make a hole in each muffin, spoon in the blended berries and cover over so you have a jammy surprise inside.

Bake at 200 degrees C for 35 minutes.

Cool on a rack before eating.

H.E.A.L Academy is here!

Trumpets….H.E.A.L Academy is here! Offering you a range of online healing resources and courses aimed at self healing your health conditions along side professional support, and the support of your fellow students.

The first two courses available for enrolment are IBS & Food Intolerance – 14 Days to Freedom, and Sugar, it’s not me…it’s YOU!

All course materials are delivered straight to your inbox via email. Join the exclusive students only groups and work through your course with likeminded people, as well as having me on hand to help you too.

Check out H.E.A.L Academy for more information about the course modules. More courses will be added shortly, as well as a range of free resources too. Feel free to share!

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