S.O.S Save our Skin e-course GOES LIVE! Enrol Here

S.O.S Save our Skin e-course just went LIVE! Get yours at the discounted price – just £35 until Friday!

If you’re on the Tonic newsletter, check your inbox!

It looks totally awesome! If you’re suffering from a skin condition – psoriasis, eczema, hives or dermatitis then check it out. This course has ben massively successful is treating many types of skin complaint. You could be well on your ay to recovery in a matter of weeks.

If this isn’t the course for you, any shares, reblogs and support would be very much appreciated. Much love, healing and sparkles xx

Enrol Here Button

ROCKING my 3 day recovery plan.


Seriously, can you ROCK my 3 Day Recovery Plan any better than this? Go girl! Think you’re giving me a run for my money! My clients are so cool.

If you want a copy it’s still available for free download over in my AWESOME group Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries, check it out! https://www.facebook.com/groups/tonicrevolutionaries/

“Just had the curry in the last pic and I’m very full. But still comfortable! No nasty bloaty belly! Thanks so much for inspiring me to damn well sort my diet out Lynsey Mentier xx”

The Arms Have it. Food Intolerance Experiment…

Ok everyone! Who’s for a little experiment?
Roll up your sleeves and feel the skin on your upper arms – back and front. Do you have raised bumps or “chicken skin”?

If the answer is yes then you most likely have a food intolerance or internal imbalance. This raised, bumpy skin is called Keratosis Pilaris.

Like all skin conditions, the root cause of Keratosis Pilaris is likely the result of an internal imbalance. All skin conditions indicate that the internal organs are not properly processing nutrients and/or toxins.

Any toxins that build up in excess are pushed outward to the skin as a last resort for elimination, because the other elimination organs are not able to process the toxic load. Some skin conditions can also be caused by a lack of essential nutrients.

Take a quiet moment and try to reconnect with your body (oh come on now, lets get our hippy on!). How are you feeling? Do you have any other symptoms of ill health? Fatigue, headaches, digestive issues, dizzy spells, persistent cough or cold…? Just feeling…meh?

If so….sort it out. When you have food intolerance, no matter how mild, you will not be absorbing enough nutrients from your food and your body will be under constant stress. What seems mild now could manifest into something more serious, or harder to live with as time goes on.

We’re here for a good time, not a long time so at least let yourself feel good enough to enjoy this crazy life! To. The. Max.

Dairy free, low fat creamed leeks…Oh Yeah. I did.


I had made this for Christmas dinner? New Years we had a spicy carribean theme with steel drum music! I’m craving fruity and spicy.

Why not add in an old classic when you’re craving a traditional feed – creamed leeks?
I LOVE creamed leeks but I like a healthy version! This is low fat, gluten free and dairy free – but still super creamy and “cheesy”.

Fry off about 6 large sliced leeks. Set aside.

Make a roux: this is a really simple white sauce. It’s easy! Don’t panic! Just try it.

In a hot pan melt 3 tbsp dairy free “butter”/spread – don’t burn it.
Once melted mix in 3 tbsp gluten free flour with a wooden spoon. It will go lumpy! It’s fine!

Next, drizzle in dairy free milk slowly and keep whisking until combined. Add a little, whisk, add a little whisk some more. Carry on until you have a thick white sauce.

Next add 4 teaspoons English mustard, 1 teaspoon salt, white pepper, garlic granules, 2 tbsp soy cream cheese and optional nutritional yeast (about 2 tbsp). Mix well then pour over your leeks.

Keep any leftovers as a nice cheese sauce for your tatties!

I heart you starchy, carby goodness!


Back home after a lovely few weeks in England for Christmas and of course there’s barely any food in the house! Luckily I have rice and corn which is spiced up with spicy tomato powder and paprika. A perfect meal – starchy, carbs, iron, minerals, vitamins, protein. If it’s good enough for long living, disease free major ancient, and modern, civilizations it’s good enough for me!

If you want to regain your health, maintain a healthy weight or cure a chronic illness then the general Western diet is not for you. In fact, it doesn’t appear to be for anyone. It’s working AGAINST you.

Let’s get back to the source and start eating authentically. If you are ready to make changes get in contact!

A Little Selection of Awesomeness…Just for you xoxo


If you’re new to Tonic Nutrition and associated awesome groups you’ll soon see that we’re smoothie cray-cray here! There is no better addition to your diet to immediately give you a massive and useful boost of fibre (essential for keeping blood sugar and cravings in check), vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
Your health will improve, energy levels increase and your skin will glow.

Want to make positive changes?
Step 1. Smoothie time. Here are a few of my favourites. Give them a try!

From top left, clockwise:

✔ Tropical banana, mango and papaya. Blend 1 papaya, 2 ripe bananas and 1 mango with water and a little almond milk (or any dairy free milk). The amount of liquid you use will depend on how thick or thin you prefer your smoothies.
✔ Chocolate Madness.
2 large ripe bananas, 3 teaspoons organic dark chocolate powder (I use Green & Blacks), or you can use raw cacao too. Blend with soy milk, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and water.
✔ Pop Art Berries. 1 avocado, 1 cup frozen cherries, 1 teaspoon camu camu, 1 cup strawberries. Blend with water.
✔ Pitaya Perfection. Pitaya is another name for dragon fruit. This smoothie is 1 dragon fruit, 1 cup of frozen raspberries and one banana. Blend with 2 tbsp soy yogurt and a little water.

A smoothie a day….keeps you awesome. Enjoy!

Success Already in 2015!

Awesome start to 2015. Honestly my clients totally ROCK IT.

Regaining health and starting the healing process can happen by making such simple changes that people are often really sceptical. Yep. I get a lot of strange looks.

We’ve been conditioned to think that extreme is the norm when it comes to health and lifestyle. Juicing, fasting, restrictions, starving, cabbage soup, pills, shakes and sachets….waaa! Screw that.

If you have a chronic illness then you will need a specific health plan tailored to your illness, but if you’re just feeling a bit “meh” then a few simple changes and some inspiration can work wonders!

And when results jump up and kick you up the wazoo it’s a real lightbulb moment! “Can it really be this simple…? (and delicious and awesome and easy and fun…and delicious”. YES!

“I have a breakthrough discovery to share! Yesterday and today I made pancakes with gluten-free flour. And for the first time in my life I didn’t feel bloated after eating pancakes and even felt uplifted! I am absolutely gobsmacked. The taste is not that different and pancakes are so easy to make (I mixed flour+soy milk in a smootie maker). I’m so grateful to Lynsey for her consultation, inspiring and liberating diet tips and recipes, thanks Lynsey xx I’ve cut down on meat, replaced cow’s milk products with plant-based ones, and refined sugar with agave nectar, have never felt better!”

Tonic Revolutionaries…You’re Going to Want to See This…

Humpday Holla Banner

Its Wednesday which means hump day! Officially the middle of the week. If you offer an alternative therapy or product why not shout yourself out over on the Tonic Nutrition Revolutionaries Facebook group? Go on, give yourself a holla!

Diet is only one part of a healthy lifestyle. Do you offer healing, massage, crystals, angels, alternative products or education?

If not still get yourself over to the group. It’s an awesome little community of revolutionaries hungry to get savvy about nutrition, share knowledge and learn from each other. The group needs you if you’re living the good life and want to contribute! https://www.facebook.com/groups/389783054510290/400434933445102/?comment_id=400435523445043&notif_t=group_comment

My approach to nutrition is naturopathic so I will always be on hand to help and answer any questions you have! If you’d like to become a client, see my website http://www.tonic-nutrition.co.uk and get in touch.

“Asthma Drug for Children Causes Serious Adverse Reactions”

Who on earth is in charge of these things? It’s like Carry on Doctor in these test labs, I’m certain of it. As always, more scary and concerning news about your health in the hands of the medical profession.

A lot of asthma, especially in children, is diet related and can be solved, managed or lessened by making certain changes – eliminating mucous forming foods like dairy and gluten, for example. Simple but highly effective. Reducing the need to medicate children by a vast amount!

Now, for the unfortunate children who have environmental asthma or allergies, and DO require these drugs, this is terrifying. Truly.


“Asthma drugs for children are more dangerous than regulators had believed—because the safety trials had been carried out on young healthy adults.  Almost all the adverse reactions seen in children are ‘serious’, say researchers.

The real risks of the drugs when used by children came to light only when reports were added to the new safety tracking system, EudraVigilance, set up by the European Medicines Agency.

In total, 774 ADRs (adverse drug reactions) relating to asthma drugs have been reported to the system, and 85 per cent of them are considered to be ‘serious’.

Almost none of the reactions had been recorded during the drugs’ safety trials, but as researchers from the University of Copenhagen point out, these had involved healthy young adults.

It’s been a different story when the drugs have been taken by babies and small children.  Common ADRs have included breathlessness and coughing.

Safety trials had recorded ‘non-serious’ ADRs, although the Copenhagen researchers discovered that subjects who had suffered more serious effects had suddenly dropped out of the trials, and so their reactions had never been recorded.

(Source: International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2014; doi: 10.1007/s11096-014-0020-0)”